About Us
Azure Skynet Solutions is a process centered organization with its focus to promote innovation through training, implementation and research.
We deliver superior quality and compelling learning experiences while using metrics to ensure development at all fronts.
We at Azure Skynet Solutions, ideate to build a formidable learning platform and professional network for training and development of technical aspirants

Azure Skynet Solutions Private Limited, an ISO 9001: 2015 certified company is a leading Information Technology training & service provider of India. The company’s diverse and talented employees are committed to help businesses, governments and educational institutions to plan and run successful security programs through the right combination of products, services and solutions related to security program strategy, enterprise risk and consulting, threat and vulnerability management and training in multiple technologies. Founded in 2014, the company has served more than 120 clients of various sizes across multiple industries.
We are committed to help organizations plan, build and run successful cyber security programs. It doesn’t quite matter how much good technology an organisation has in place, if staffs are not trained and aware then a company is still majorly at risk. We aim to apply behavioral science to security learning programms specifically to cut down that risk.
Our national level awareness program, BrainTech Championship and Cyber Security certification programs, ASCEH (Azure Skynet Certified Ethical Hacker) & ASCPT (Azure Skynet Certified Penetration Tester) introduces our target audience of undergraduates, post graduates & professionals to the current trend in industry. It’s focused not just on imparting information but assessing changes in behavior, so we simulate attacks in order to make sure people know what they should know. Besides providing comprehensive suite of services and solutions we are determined to create a workforce that will enable businesses, governments and educational institutions to operate more successfully.